Happy Printing....

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Another Doubler Run!

Well Here is my second trip to Albertson's to use my last set of Doubler's. I had to take my kids after work so i was a little crazy but i found a very nice cashier I am glad that I got to meet her she was so nice. I love shoping at the orchard store!

My total was $15.51
Saved $43.64
I got
15 Powerade ( buy10 get 5 free)
4 Sobe( buy 1 get 1 free Coupon twice)
2 bags Sun Chips ($1 off 2, and Doubler)
2 bags Lays Kettle chips$1off 2 and Doubler)
2 Aqua Juice (Buy1 get 1 and $.75 Doubler)

1 comment:

  1. good job kelli. Albs has beagfuls on the buy 10$ get 4$ off, my friend was telling me there is a dollar off coupon on the web so it makes them way cheap. i am going to nampa and hitting the target and costco sales today!!! i also think i will be switching the albs that i go to.
