Happy Printing....

Monday, April 13, 2009

Q's About My Albertson's Run

Albertson's is doing a promo Spend $25 on particular products and get $10 off meat products. So in the Albies add they have a whole section on what products you can buy to get the promo sale. So I picked out which products i really needed and matched them with the coupons I had. I also read that some people were not buying the meat and getting the $10 off instantly. So I thought i would try it without. My cashier informed me that i had to at least buy some kind of meat product. So i grabed a pound of hamburger that was $2.75( not a good price but i was in a hurry because she was waiting on me). So I think it just depends on which store you go to and who helps you. And I also had a $5 catalina from the post cereal deal to use. And I got my Lysol 50% off but that is not in the promo deal. I combined it with an albertson's coupon on Lysol whipes 2 for $5. And then I will send in my mail in rebate later. See other post below!

They also are have a Unilever deal going on spend $40 Unilever product and purchase a turkey or Ham and get $20 rebate. This is between 4/1 -4/30 and can be done in multiple trips. So you could combine the two deals and get a smokin deal. I have two extra rebate coupon's if anyone wants them leave me a comment. They were in last sunday's paper.


  1. I also did the "buy $25 worth of Kraft products" thing on Saturday at the last minute because I decided I wanted a ham for easter....I just went in to get my free milk so it was totally an impulse buy thing that took me a good hour to figure out...I had coupons for about half of the things, and the others were onsale, so I don't think I did too bad but I wish I had gone prepared!! But I did save $10 on my ham so I got it for $8. And it was yummy.
    So do you think the rebate thing would work for that ham--to get $20 back? You'll have to tell me more about how that works.

  2. Yes, if it was $20 for the Ham you would get $20 rebate but if you only paid $10 for the ham it would be $10 rebate. That is before the coupon's. And you have to have $40 in Unilever products to mail in too. Like those Knor pasta from last week would count and several other products that are on sale this week!
